New and Used Buses for Sale
Our Buses Will Satisfy All of Your Transportation Needs
Model 1 has access to the largest inventory of new and used buses nationwide. Thanks to our partnerships with manufacturers and our network of retail outlets, we can provide you with the best options on the market. From large passenger buses to mini buses, we have access to transport vehicles in every shape and size.
However, the Model 1 process doesn’t simply end with the conclusion of a sale. When you buy a new bus through Model 1, you are gaining access to our wide array of resources for the life of your vehicle. We offer unparalleled service to you and your bus throughout the course of your ownership.
Types of Vehicles we Sell
- Shuttle Buses, Tour Buses, and Cutaway Buses
- Handicap Vans, Wheelchair Vans, ADA Buses, and Para-transit Buses
- Short Buses, Mini Buses, and Small Buses
- Transit Buses, and Low Floor Buses
- Limo Buses, Luxury Buses, Charter Buses, and Entertainer Buses
- Wheelchair Vans, full size vans and Mini Vans
- MFSAB Activity Buses